Cowgirl Thrill Ride by Sahalie Blue & Sterling Scott
She loved the thrill of the ride.…

The golden age of rodeo for a Nebraska cowgirl.
Polly Duffy had learned to ride horses almost before she could walk. She loves to ride more than anything. In 1916, at age fourteen, she enters a steer riding contest at the local county fair and wins, never to look back. She becomes addicted to the thrill of the ride be it relay races, bronc busting or steer riding.
Her pioneer mother wants a better life for her daughter since she believes a woman's place is far from the rodeo arena. But Polly is determined to 'cowgirl up' – to step up to the challenge, and prove that she can ride that ornery, bucking bronc despite being a diminutive female.
Polly's riding skills bring her to the attention of Texas Jack, a Wild West show promoter. She joins his traveling show in 1920, where she meets champion steer wrestler and bronc rider Buck Delmar. Polly is determined to make it big herself and, with the help of immigrant Cossack trick riders, soon becomes a talented, famous performer, thrilling audiences with her death-defying stunts on horseback.
She and Buck later join the rodeo circuit, where she competes in trick riding. The hardest, most dangerous, tricks earn the most prize money. As her addiction to the thrill of winning – and the money – grows, she risks reputation and virtue, while putting her life in jeopardy.
Can Buck help her achieve her dreams with his loving guidance and discipline?
Note: This sweet, spirited romantic western contains elements of domestic discipline and explicit love scenes.
Available for purchase
Buck took a deep breath and sat in one of the chairs opposite the colonel's. He motioned for Polly to sit in the other.
“I am so disappointed in your sneaky behavior. I thought we shared everything. What were you thinking, riding that Brahman?”
She defended her actions. “The Colonel said the ride will help me in the final standings, to win the championship title.” “Is that all you care about? Do you know how dangerous those bulls can be? What if you were injured?”
She stubbornly replied, “Like the Colonel said, there really was no danger. I wasn't afraid. I've ridden worse.”
He dug in his heels. “Think about our daughter. She adores you! How would she feel if she lost her mother?” Shaking his head, he added, “No, I forbid you to ride another Brahma bull, ever again. It's too dangerous.”
“That's not fair!”
“Honey, I've been very fair with you. You do know there aren't many men that would allow their wives to work at a man's profession, don't you? It's bad enough I get razzed for letting you compete.” Buck stood, and paced back and forth in the small room. “I can't count the number of times I've heard comments like, 'Women got no business on a bucking horse', or, 'Women should be havin' babies, not riding broncs'”, he mimicked a whiney voice.
She huffed, “As you know, I've heard my share of those comments too!”
“I know. I get that, but do you understand how hard it is for me sometimes, to let the criticism and teasing roll off me? Many of these Joes are just itchin' for a fight, and I have to swallow my pride and walk away.”
Polly's brow wrinkled in thought. “No, I didn't know that. I'm sorry. Do you want me to quit?”
Pulling her into his lap, he sat down and stroked her cheek. “No. You don't need to be sorry for wanting to follow your heart's dream. I believe the good Lord put us on this earth for a reason, and your reason for being is, to be a champion cowgirl rider. I would never deny you that. But, the issue here is that you didn't talk to me—you didn't trust me. And, for that, I'm going to spank you.”
She looked him straight in the eye, and for a moment, he thought she might fight him. Then, she sighed, “Yes, Buck.”
“Get up. Everything off, you will be bare for this one. You must have known this would happen.”
She stammered, “I...I guess I didn't think it through.”
“No, you didn't. Remember when I said your ass is mine? Now, over my knee so I can remind you of that fact.”
More about Sahalie...
Sahalie Blue was born and raised in the Midwestern US along the shores of Lake Michigan. She now lives in the Pacific Northwest, treasuring the great outdoors of her new home.
Sahalie loves hiking in the region's majestic Cascade Mountains, dense mossy forests and sagebrush-filled deserts. Her revered, special place is Sahalie Falls, a roaring waterfall that pounds the McKenzie River into a rainbowed mist.
She's been married for several years to a computer guy who loves to tell jokes. She appreciates laugh-out-loud moments. She enjoys reading just about anything, but mysteries, romances, and science fiction are her favorites. She is passionate about expressing her thoughts and feelings in her writing
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More about Sterling...
Sterling Scott writes of his imagined adventures within the backdrop of actual historical events. While some of his stories are more fictional than others, he likes to entwine real events into a new version of how it should have happened. Additionally, he includes experiences from his life and those friends who have shared events with him.
When not writing, Sterling travels the highways and visits his children. He spends a lot of time playing with his first grandchild.
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