Trusting Ingrid by Libby Campbell
I'm joined today by Libby Campbell who is sharing with us a snippet from her new release, Trusting Ingrid and answering a couple of cheeky questions.
Ingrid soon learns that big girls do cry, especially when they have very sore bottoms.

Ingrid Nickel doesn’t want to go into rehab. Again. She tried it once but it didn’t work.
When she meets Lachlan Morrison, the connection is electric. She sees a handsome man, directing and challenging, who won’t be intimidated by a powerful woman like her. He sees a woman whose bluster and sarcasm is a cover for something deep inside her that is badly broken.
The daughter of a grifter, Ingrid has grown up street-wise and lawless. Lachlan has rescued more than one creature whose bark was worse than its bite.
Will his stern, loving magic work on Ingrid?
Publishers note: Although loosely part of a series, this spicy romance can be read as a stand alone story. It includes scenes of domestic discipline and power exchanges.
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This simmering hot man needed a direct challenge.
“Who’s going to tan this backside?” Ingrid teased, punctuating her comment with a light slap to her own bottom.
Lachlan grabbed her right wrist, trapping her in front of him. His free hand rested on her left breast.
“I am,” he said. “In fact, when you bring me back from the airport, I’ll spank you as soon as you step out of line, just to let you know who’s boss.”
Desire exploded through Ingrid, but she didn’t want him to know it. Her libido had been dead for so long, she didn’t think anything could wake it up but here it was, in full force saying, shag this man.
She pulled away from him, rubbing her wrist as though he’d injured her somehow. He hadn’t. Not at all. She was rubbing her wrist, so she wouldn’t lose the feeling of his hand on it too quickly.
For weeks she’d been counting the dreary hours and minutes since her last drink.
Now she had something to look forward to. She’d be counting the hours until it was time to pick up the sexy man who kissed like a god.
Marine pilot.
Dangerous job. Brave man.
Surely she wouldn’t frighten him away.
Where did Ingrid come from?
Those who have read the Simon in Charge series may remember her as the realtor who sold Simon and Sadie their Vancouver mansion. When she waltzed into that book, sassy and confronting, I had to know more about her. The only way to do that was to write her story.
Was there a particular reason to choose the subject of addiction?
It seemed clear to me from Ingrid’s behaviour in Sadie Says I Do, that she had some deep problems, definitely some that involved alcohol. Plus so many families these days have been touched by the destructive force of substance abuse, I wanted to tell at least one such story with a happy ending.
Are there any other way that writing this book was different from your others?
Other than the sheer length of it, the editing process was quite unusual. I was on an extended road trip with my Leading Man when my editor’s comments reached me. We were in Jackson Wyoming in a small, dark motel room with last century wiring. I was feeling physical cramped at the tiny built in desk and wrenched the extension cord to try to get more elbow room. I knocked my water glass which spilled over my computer.
My reflexes were fast and I dried it with a towel and continued to work. Or tried to work.
Ha. Within minutes my keyboard and mouse were useless. My motherboard was fried.
Coincidentally many years ago when the Leading Man was hitchhiking around America, he drowned his camera in the Snake River, not far from where we were staying that night. If we ever go back there, we’re going to be very cautious with all electronics.
How did you recover from that?
Luckily my SSD (solid state drive) was fine. My Leading Man is a computer whiz and I had good back up. He gave me his laptop to continue and I was able to turn this part of the project around fast. It was a good thing. The next three nights we were in Yellowstone National Park. There is very little WiFi there. What’s available is only in the lobby of the buildings and it’s expensive.
What was your best kiss?
That’s easy: on our first date my husband threatened to spank me. That threat made me flush with desire down to my toes, although I tried to act cool.
When we were walking home after that dinner, I was primed and ready for him. He’s strong lead on the dance floor and as we walked through a park, spun me into his arms and kissed me. I never wanted it to end. So far it hasn’t.
Author Bio
Libby Campbell’s stories celebrate romance with a spicy power exchange. Her women are strong and challenge the powerful men who love them.
Libby has lived all over Canada, but the best decision of her life was when she moved to Australia to marry her leading man. After many years there, they moved back to the Pacific Northwest. They now live in a leafy neighborhood close to the sea.
Libby’s passions are reading and writing. She also loves hiking and an occasional night of dancing.
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