Stubborn Cowgirls
Happy Saturday! One particular stubborn cowgirl still needs to learn when to pick her battles. After an incident with some hired thugs...

The Rise of Dark Erotica
I am going down the rabbit hole with this one, I going to discus the growing trend of dark erotica. Firstly what is dark erotica? Some...

The Retreat: Book Two of The Perfect Submissive by Kay Jaybee
Kicking it off with a change of pace, we are dipping our toes into the land of dominance and submission with a twisted fairytale-ish......

A Firm Handed Cowboy
Happy Saturday! Still feeling my western vibe so continuing on from last week. Aideen is fighting her her emotions, she is hurt and angry...

Happy Saturday! I've been feeling a smidgen nostalgic recently and started rereading my first book, Mustang Wild. It is my intention to...

Sat Spanks - "Go Boil Your Head!"
Happy Saturday! Continuing on with Sats Spanks! It is not exactly wise to mouth off to the Ice Lord when one is in a precarious position....