Making the Rules by Ashe Barker
She thought she was on her own, until she realized who was making the rules…
“I think you heard me, Lily, but to make it perfectly clear, I’d be delighted to spank you, and I want to fuck you too. In truth, there’s quite a lot more I’d love to do to you as well, but I thought I’d start with the basics.”

When twenty-five-year-old forensic sociology student Lily Jamison travels to a small town in West Yorkshire to investigate the mysterious disappearance of a young girl, she expects to be working alone. But then Ben Tyler offers his help, and before Lily knows it the handsome former Chicago police officer has taken charge and made it his business to keep her safe, even if that means baring her bottom for a painful, embarrassing spanking when she disobeys him. Ben’s firm-handed dominance and strict correction leave Lily deeply aroused, and when he takes her in his arms and shows her how a man masters a woman properly, she cannot help begging for more. But as Lily gets closer to the truth, she becomes ever more reckless. When she pushes things too far with her impulsive behavior, will Ben be prepared to punish her as thoroughly and shamefully as necessary to convince her that he is the one making the rules? Publisher’s Note: Making the Rules includes spankings and sexual scenes. If such material offends you, please don’t buy this book..
Available for purchase
Ben released his grip on her hand. Lily closed the door to the room behind her and leaned back on it, barely able to believe what she was doing. She’d actually come here, in the middle of the night, to the home of a man, a man near enough a total stranger, to ask him to spank her.
What if he was some sort of deranged madman? A sadist? A pervert? All of the above? She knew next to nothing about Ben Tyler, yet here she was, in his bedroom of all places. And what if he wasn’t content to stop at just a spanking? She wouldn’t be able to do anything about it. She shouldn’t be here, she really shouldn’t.
The sudden rush of good sense had barely crystallised in her head before Ben caught her by the shoulders. He whirled her around so her back was pressed against the door and he brought his mouth down across hers in a kiss that quite literally stole her breath away. Stunned momentarily, Lily could only part her lips in response to his demanding pressure, and reeled as he darted his tongue between her teeth. He curled it around hers in a sensuous dance, and her knees buckled.
Ben appeared to sense her imminent collapse and tightened his hold, inserting his knee between her legs to hold her upright. Lily looped her hands together behind his neck and simply hung on.
He broke the kiss after a few moments, and buried his face in the crook of her neck. “Holy fuck, I’ve wanted to do that since I saw you yesterday.”
“Me too,” she whispered, only now allowing that desire to surface and take form. “I wanted… I mean, I thought…”
“I know.”
She should have bristled at his response, his confident certainty. Instead, she welcomed it, wanted to drown in it. Craved more of it.
“Are we, I mean, should we… Do you want me to take my clothes off?” He had said bare bottom, but she was uncertain just how much nudity that actually meant.
“Well, that’d be nice but let’s just check we’re on the same page here.” He lifted his head and took her chin in his palm, angling her face up so she had to meet his gaze. “You’re here because you want to try a spanking. Am I right, Lily?”
“Yes,” she whispered. “I was wondering… I mean, it might… I watched some videos.”
“Videos?” He grinned at her. “I can imagine. And now you want to try it for yourself. You’re curious, right?”
“I suppose so. It’s just… I can’t really explain but I wanted to know how it would feel. How it would make me feel. You said it would relieve stress…”
“So curious that you come out, on your own, in the middle of the night?” He lifted one dark blond eyebrow. “Jesus Christ, girl, you’ve fucking earned a spanking for that alone. If you were my submissive you’d get what you deserve and not sit down for a week.”
“What are you talking about?” A prickle of unease snaked down Lily’s spine. “I thought… I mean, it looked like it might be fun, that it might even help me. I don’t want you to hurt me. What do you mean, ‘your submissive’?”
He stepped back. “You’re right. We are here to have fun and to give you your first taste of a spanking. It will hurt, but I think you already know that. It’s a nice sort of hurting though and we can stop whenever you like. That’s a fun spanking. For a moment there I was talking about something entirely different and definitely not why we’re here. I apologise if I frightened you, but you need to know I care about you and you scared me shitless just then. Promise me you won’t go wandering about on your own in the middle of the night.”
“But I was perfectly safe.”
“Just promise me, please. Humour me. I’m from New York.”
“Okay. I promise.”
He kissed her again. “Good girl. Now, you can get undressed if you like.”
More about Ahse...
USA Today best-selling author Ashe Barker has been an avid reader of fiction for many years, erotic and other genres. She still loves reading, the hotter the better. But now she has a good excuse for her guilty pleasure – research.
Ashe tends to draw on her own experience to lend colour, detail and realism to her plots and characters. An incident here, a chance remark there, a bizarre event or quirky character, any of these can spark a story idea.
Ashe lives in the North of England, on the edge of the Brontë moors and enjoys the occasional flirtation with pole dancing and drinking Earl Grey tea. When not writing – which is not very often these days - her time is divided between her role as taxi driver for her teenage daughter, and caring for a menagerie of dogs, tortoises. And a very grumpy cockatiel.
At the last count Ashe had over forty titles on general release with publishers on both sides of the Atlantic, and several more in the pipeline. She writes M/f, M/M, and occasionally rings the changes with a little M/M/f. Ashe’s books invariably feature BDSM. She writes explicit stories, always hot, but offering far more than just sizzling sex. Ashe likes to read about complex characters, and to lose herself in compelling plots, so that’s what she writes too.
Ashe has a pile of story ideas still to work through, and keeps thinking of new ones at the most unlikely moments, so you can expect to see a lot more from her.
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