Stubborn Cowgirls
Happy Saturday! One particular stubborn cowgirl still needs to learn when to pick her battles. After an incident with some hired thugs...

A Firm Handed Cowboy
Happy Saturday! Still feeling my western vibe so continuing on from last week. Aideen is fighting her her emotions, she is hurt and angry...

Happy Saturday! I've been feeling a smidgen nostalgic recently and started rereading my first book, Mustang Wild. It is my intention to...

Give me a Cowboy EVERYTIME - It's SatSpanks Blog Hop!
Another Happy Saturday! I'M BACK! I had such a great time that I decided to do it again! So here is another little teaser, picking up...

To Sass Or Not To Sass?
Happy Saturday! It's been a shitty week so lets kick start this weekend with some naughtiness (rubbing hands together gleefully). I've...
Mustang Wild Is Released!
Today is THE DAY It's official Mustang Wild is now released After just over a year of starting this journey as abit of fun I have...